Click On Group

software and business process improvement

With the help of our cloud-based xFLOWer workflow platform,
we offer customized solutions tailored to your company.

We should work on our process, not the outcome of our processes.

W. Edwards Deming

Our foundations

In the business world, change is the only constant. At Click On, we understand that it is vital for companies not only to keep up with these changes but also to become market leaders thanks to the opportunities provided by technology.

Our team of experts believes that excellence lies in the details. With our innovations in process improvement and unique approach, we strive to provide our clients with quickly implementable solutions that ensure lasting results.

Our business areas

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Workflow, case management, process control

Every business operates according to business processes, such as job descriptions, regulations, and customary laws, yet very few companies have adequate IT support for this. Do you know what your employees are working on? What open tasks do each of your colleagues or departments have? Can you check what has happened with a case and what the next step is?

Every business operates according to business processes, such as job descriptions, regulations, and customary laws, yet very few companies have adequate IT support for this. Do you know what your employees are working on? What open tasks do each of your colleagues or departments have? Can you check what has happened with a case and what the next step is?

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Document management

With our xFLOWer solution, all documents in your company will be in order: you will know what letters have been received and sent to a client, partner, or authority, regardless of which colleague handled them. It doesn't matter whether it’s an email, a postal letter, an SMS, or a photograph. Every document has a known responsible person and a known history. Tasks and deadlines are visible. You can automatically generate your regularly recurring letters, which are automatically stored in the document archive. Would you like to bring order to your processes?

With our xFLOWer solution, all documents in your company will be in order: you will know what letters have been received and sent to a client, partner, or authority, regardless of which colleague handled them. It doesn't matter whether it’s an email, a postal letter, an SMS, or a photograph. Every document has a known responsible person and a known history. Tasks and deadlines are visible. You can automatically generate your regularly recurring letters, which are automatically stored in the document archive. Would you like to bring order to your processes?

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Process automation

Are your employees performing the same subtasks multiple times unnecessarily? Can't find everything at first attempt? Do you not have a clear overview of your own and your employees' tasks, leading to unnecessary meetings? Are you receiving more emails than you can read? Up to 34.5% of your administrative processes can be automated!

Are your employees performing the same subtasks multiple times unnecessarily? Can't find everything at first attempt? Do you not have a clear overview of your own and your employees' tasks, leading to unnecessary meetings? Are you receiving more emails than you can read? Up to 34.5% of your administrative processes can be automated!


Click On in numbers

The xFLOWer system developed by Click On supports the work of more than 10,000 users every day.

You may have already interacted with a representative who utilized our products to address your inquiries. If you have ever sent a digital or physical correspondence to a company, there is a high likelihood that it can be accessed through one of the xFLOWer platforms.

You may not be aware of it, but our xFLOWer system plays a role in your everyday life. Numerous prominent service companies in Hungary and the surrounding region, spanning industries like telecommunications, insurance, finance, state administration, trade, utility services, and webshops, rely on it for document management, process facilitation, and customer service.

Transform the way your business operates

with the xFLOWer platform

Drawing on two decades of expertise, we have developed a framework that simplifies the process of digitizing company operations.

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Digitized processes

Through well-organized processes, we have the capability to digitize nearly the entire spectrum of company operations, ensuring they remain consistently updated.

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Streamlined operations

With our assistance, the processes will not only function more efficiently but also contribute to the company's operation in the most cost-effective manner.

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Automated tasks

Our numerous automation possibilities remove repetitive and laborious administrative tasks.

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Unified IT systems

xFLOWer integrates the current IT solutions, providing a transparent interface for immediate visibility into company operations.

Digital Innovations for a Greener Tomorrow
Corporate Commitment to Sustainability

We are dedicated to employing digital solutions to reduce our environmental footprint and enhance the eco-friendliness and sustainability of our corporate operations, beyond just catchy slogans.

Studies indicate that environmental consciousness is assuming a more prominent role among employees, with several researches suggesting that this factor is considered when making job choices or transitions.